This article about childhood vaccines is simply to add to the conversation. Due to the fact, that currently, the climate of agreeing to disagree is unheard of and very vicious. Our current society slogan is ” agree with me or shut up”.

This happens when we “shut down” someone else’s right to stand on the speaker podium, in turn, we shut down our own! This article does not state or believe that people should NOT get vaccinations. 


Why can’t it be suggested that parents and caregivers be given the option to have these vaccines given one at a time? For example, MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) are combined in one vaccine can they not be separated. This may help a child to tolerate the medication. Like all medications, there are possible side effects. I was told about fever and giving baby Tylenol. However, I was not told about possible seizures or what to look for.

As you read the studies below, you will see that some kids have a compromised immune system, and parents who underwent immunizations in the past have been affected by vaccines.

Therefore, rather than just saying the shots are safe, we should consider the individual. Since injections are required, the individual’s health as with all medicines should be considered. Let the patient make the decision as to how vaccines are administered?

Excerpt from CDC Morbidity and Mortality
If any of the following events occur in temporal relationship to the administration of DTP, further vaccination with DTP is contraindicated An immediate anaphylactic reaction. The rarity of such reactions to DTP is such that they have not been adequately studied. Because of uncertainty as to which component of the vaccine might be responsible, no further vaccination with any of the three antigens in DTP should be carried out. Alternatively, because of the importance of tetanus vaccination, such individuals may be referred for evaluation by an allergist and desensitized to tetanus toxoid if a specific allergy can be demonstrated (87,88).
Encephalopathy (not due to another identifiable cause). This is defined as an acute, severe CNS disorder occurring within 7 days following vaccination and generally consisting of major alterations in consciousness, unresponsiveness, generalized or focal seizures that persist more than a few hours, with failure to recover within 24 hours. Even though causation by DTP cannot be established, no subsequent doses of pertussis vaccine should be given. It may be desirable to delay for months before administering the balance of the doses of DT necessary to complete the primary schedule. Such a delay allows time for clarification of the child’s neurologic status.


Case in point, remember when Tylenol was considered unsafe due to tampering and it caused deaths by cyanide. The makers of Tylenol (Johnson and Johnson), immediately recalled all of the product and started reshelving in a brief time with tamperproof packages and gained their market share again. 

Due to the increase in the Autistic population, the suggestion here is that the US government does the same and faces the issue, of autism and vaccines Just the removal of thermosil ( a preservative that was included in vaccine serums) and saying “safe” is not enough.


This post advocate for “ low cost” or free vaccines individually given, since vaccines are mandatory. Every individual needs to be considered for individual healthcare concerns. 

Granted, individual shots may cost more to produce. It is possible that a price may need to be paid for offering these vaccines. However, this is worth the health of the patient.

It’s up to the people of the United States and possibly other countries to be heard since we sometimes elect people who ignore us and tell us how we ought to think.

The people governed should have the right to choose the “Low cost” option for individual treatment and not be “told” to do something that possibly could cause harm.


Parents were/are not imagining the problems that occurred after their children were vaccinated. Problems, such as a regression in walking, speaking, and comprehension.  Let’s face it these children are given these vaccines at such an early age. They can not relate if they are undergoing a seizure, and a parent may not know the symptoms nor looking for them since it appears to be assumed by the medical community that it’s safe. A seizure was not on the “things to look for list” after my son received his vaccines. The regression was irreversible.

I speak with deep hurt for what we have lost. Governments should gain the support of the people. Listen to the people, not big money or personal agenda. Taking things off of social media and shutting people down kills free speech and feeds Fear and Distrust. 

Pray for the USA!


Next GABBA, Childhood Seizure… not necessarily in this order.:-)

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