It costs to Smell of Kerosene

It’s a segregated Southern day, I was headed to school. So young with pigtails, lace ribbons on my hair and ribbons woven through the top of my socks. No we weren’t rich in money, but rich in love. My Mom enjoyed frilly things on her daughter’s.  It was a day of five and dime stores.  Kress was long before WalMart, and in my opinion better supplied. 

This day I went to school, there was a gathering afoot. 

Two girls had called a little meeting, they had decided that one of the girls in our class didn’t smell right, and her hair was not combed and last but not least she smelled like kerosene. 

(result of a kerosene heater used to keep warm in winter months)

The word was out. We are not to play with this particular girl. The segregated “segregating” themselves. I didn’t understand.

What’s the deal, so what! Kerosene. I had been taught to be grateful for what I had, and not to belittle people because they didn’t have a certain thing. 

I played-

Like long ago, when you STAND against these segregated people, you are the “shunned”. You are no longer considered to be a part of the “group “or “clique”. You smell like kerosene.

Does this sound familiar? 

When I see people on television today, showing off their clothing, cars and calling themselves, queens and guys calling themselves kings with  gold jewelry, and big homes. 

I think to myself how poor. Wealth placed in objects that can never satisfy. Things that remain new for a season and then on to the next new thing. The investment of life spent on “appearance” to draw envy.

Yet, look at others who STAND against the popular fray, they become the “shunned”. Companies separate themselves; contracts leave, friends are no longer, no one wants to be seen with them, no one wants to work with them. It’s the same childhood meeting.

Only what you do for Christ will STAND. Christ speaks out against the current acceptable lifestyles of today. Christ teaches that love is between a man and a woman, Christ teaches that he made male and female. When you help people in the name of “help” according to the world moral view. 

You have done absolutely nothing for the kingdom of God. 

Fundraiser, charities all these things must align with the word of God. Put your money where Christ resides, and the truth of the gospel will be taught. 

When God’s creation is not rooted in HIS word, the love and kindness we profess empties the soul. It has no root. Provides no warmth. It burns out.

Don’t live empty without light or warmth…..kerosene